Blanche Kelly 30th October 1939 - 16th November 2018

Created by Louise 5 years ago
 On Friday 16th November we had to say a very sad farewell to our Mum as she lost her fight against Motor Neurone Disease. We are therefore hoping to raise money in her memory for the Manchester & District Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association in order for them to help create a positive change for people affected by MND. What is MND? MND is a life-shortening illness that can affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe.You have nerves in your brain and spinal cord that control how your muscles work. These are called motor neurones. MND is a disease that affects the motor neurones. With MND, motor neurones gradually stop telling your muscles how to move. When muscles no longer move, they become weak, which can also lead to stiffness and loss of muscle mass (wasting). You can help us to raise funds for this wonderful charity and find further information by donating to
